Rest has been a word that is popping up a lot lately. Over the past few years “rest days” has been a term thrown around in the fitness world. And now the concept of rest is being used not just to signify resting your muscles, but resting your mind and your energy as well. This resonates deeply at this moment in particular.
We need to take care of ourselves so we can continue fighting for justice in this world. We need to take care of ourselves so we can show up in all the individual ways that are important to us in this life.
This type of rest is about more than just getting enough sleep. Though, that too is critical. I think rest is about finding ways throughout my days and weeks where I can find pockets of stillness and ease. Where I am free of tension and pressure in my mind and my body.
The state that I feel after a really great workout is rest. I treasure the feeling I get after doing hard sprints or a hot yoga class. The space that I feel after a walk in the forest is rest. The space that I feel when I go flower “hunting” with my nugget is rest. Stopping to quite literally smell the flowers, is pure rest.
So my question to you is, are you resting? What does rest look like to you? What does it feel like? When do you feel most rested? Who do you feel most rested around? Do you need more rest in your life?
I know that personally I need to be more deliberate about creating this space in my everyday life. Perhaps this is something for you to explore this summer. To take it a step further, perhaps there is a way you can help someone else have more rest in their life as well.
We need rest so that we can rise. Happy resting.