I recently created and led a 6 week Strength Training & Endurance course for some teen athletes in my community. It was a funny mash up of expectations because their parents wanted them to take the class to prevent injury and they wanted to get body.
I finished the first (and second) class asking the ladies if they had any goals for the class. It was clear they were there for the booty work. It made me laugh and also triggered internal sermons on body love and acceptance. I kept those to myself.
Reading between the lines, it was clear they just wanted to feel good in their own bodies. Which is a desire we all have on some level. Why don't we always just naturally feel good just as we are? That's a good question and a rather deep personal journey ...
As a personal trainer, I have watched many people set out to "get body" and realize along the way, they also needed to "get this life". To get health, to get clarity, to get fulfillment, to get free. I definitely believe movement can be a guide in our lives. Our bodies are full of wisdom and insight. As we nourish and strengthen them, we tap into those gifts.
So, keep moving as much as you can! Keep sweating as much as you can! Keep bucking the oppressive messaging in this world that's trying to invade your mind, as much as you can! And get this life.
Happy January.